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Did you know? » Whakarewarewa Forest is a must see!
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Whakarewerewa offers mountain biking and walking tracks, incredible views – and the impressive Redwood Tree Walk

Whakarewarewa Forest at Rotorua is one of the oldest exotic forests in the country, with its now-famous stand of California Redwoods planted back in 1901.

World-famous mountain biking and walking tracks lead through both native bush and a range of exotic trees, with amazing views of Rotorua City, lakes and surrounding countryside.

The Redwood Tree Walk consists of 28 suspension bridges hung between the trees at a height of 20 metres off the ground – visitors can walk during the day or experience the spectacular lights at night!

Even the restrooms at Redwoods are a visitor attraction, with each toilet encased in a steel shroud covered in native bird designs! Artworks or toilets?

Find out more about the Redwood Treewalk

Find out more about Redwoods and Whakarewarewa Forest