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Did you know? » SRS Sawmill is Canterbury's biggest sawmill
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SRS employs over 130 people and its wood products are sent all over New Zealand and overseas.

Shands Road Sawmills (SRS) opened in 1964 on a site that used to be used for growing strawberries.

It was small to begin with – with 5 staff making timber for fencing and construction.

Canterbury's economy was growing fast though – and soon they were making pallets for local manufacturers and bins for  horticulture and agriculture.

They now have a staff of 130 and send their products to customers around New Zealand and in China, India, Japan, the Middle East, Taiwan, Thailand and Vietnam.

All exports are shipped through the Christchurch port of Lyttelton.

Check out this video of SRS Sawmills in action.

SRS generates US$5.83 million in sales  per year – that's nearly $8.5 million New Zealand dollars!