Did you know?

Did you know? » Red Stag Timber near Rotorua is the largest sawmill in New Zealand
Red Stag 22 102 RETOUCHED

The sawmill cuts over 8000 logs each day!

A sawmill was originally set up at Waipa, near Rotorua by the Government in 1939 to improve technologies for processing radiata pine and by the 1960s it employed over 800 people.

Red Stag Timber took over operation of the Waipa Mill in 2003. Today, it is the country’s largest sawmill, with state-of-the-art machinery, processing radiata pine and Douglas fir.

The sawmill cuts over 8000 logs each day, while seven kilns operate 24/7, drying more than 600,000 cubic metres of timber each year and increasing!

Recently a 2 hectare production plant for Cross Laminated Timber was constructed which is capable of producing Mass Timber for construction of multi-storey commercial and residential buildings.

The timber products made there are used for construction, landscaping, furniture and packaging and are sold in New Zealand, Australia and the Pacific Islands.

Watch this video to find out more about Red Stag Timber:

